109 people have given 1628 responses
Statements with the highest number of 👍 or the highest number of 👎 appear at the top (if everyone thinks 👎, that's consensus too)
I think that social collapse is likely to affect parts of North Africa and the Middle East in the next 50 years
I don't care about social collapse at all
I think that social collapse is likely to affect parts of subsaharan Africa in the next 50 years
I am worried about a failure of political change as a driver of collapse
I think that social collapse is likely to affect parts of North America in the next 50 years
I wish to accelerate collapse
I think that social collapse is likely to affect parts of South American in the next 50 years
I think social collapse is above 5% likely in the next 50 years
My preparation for social collapse is adequate
I think that social collapse is likely to affect parts of Europe in the next 50 years
I believe that we as a society have the tools to avoid collapse
I wish to prevent collapse
I think that social collapse is likely to affect the UK in the next 50 years
I am worried about climate change as a driver of collapse
I think that social collapse is likely to affect parts of Russia in the next 50 years
I think that social collapse is likely to affect parts of East Asia in the next 50 years
I talk with my friends and loved ones about preparing for collapse
The concept of “collapse” is somewhat naive as it prioritizes the experience of a a demographic that believes “stability” is their right. (Most people in most societies have been going through various forms of collapse across the ages).
Even if I am trying to prevent collapse now, I am likely to focus on my own individual survival in the event of a collapse
I am worried about military escalation as a driver of collapse
I am worried about pandemics as a driver of collapse
I think social collapse is above 20% likely in the next 50 years
I am worried about AI risk as a driver of collapse
I have difficulty convincing others around me of my level of belief in the prospect of social collapse
My expectations of collapse are likely to play a role in major life decisions over the next 10 years
I think social collapse is above 50% likely in the next 50 years
I believe I am part of the section of society which will be largely shielded from the effects of any social collapse
I am worried about rapid political change as a driver of collapse
I believe the resources of my country should go to the citizens of my country in the event of a collapse
People cannot comprehend social collapse in terms of tangibly doing something about it when they are culturally illiterate, and their job depends on them not understanding it.
My political projects are coherent with avoiding social collapse