31 people have given 228 responses
Forecasting is hard because many people don't have probabilistic knowledge
Decision makers on the margin should use more prediction markets
Decision makers don't care so much about the best decisions as political decision
Forecasting can probably reduce costs in running RCTs
Decision makers on the margin should reflect more on their process and calibration
Decision makers on the margin should outsource more decisions to specialized superforecasters
Forecasting is underrated as horizon scanning
It is surprising how little we see forecasting in decision making processes
Decision makers on the margin should think more quantitatively
I use forecasting processes to help my personal decisions
Forecasting is better as a footnote/reference than the centerpiece of a discussion
It's better to hear from forecasters than to run forecasting processes
Ass balls
Forecasting is hard and a lot of policy makers deal with problems that are difficult to break down. Maybe they wouldn’t benefit too much from forecasting outside of specific use cases?