23 people have given 257 responses
If a majority pick the blue pill, everyone lives
If everyone just picks the red pill, everyone lives
The red pill sets a more sustainable equilibrium - everyone is pushed towards taking it.
We should tell others to pick the red pill
Every blue piller saves and needs to be saved by many other blue pillers and doesn't save any red pillers (who were saved anyway)
We should tell others to pick the blue pill
It is encouraging that a majority of people often pick the blue pill in polls
I would choose the red pill
Every red piller saves themselves and damns all blue pillers if they tip it from 50% blue to 49% (but not otherwise)
I would choose the blue pill
The solution is obvious to me.
The blue pill is more pro-social
If we got 55% blue last time, the next next time will likely be disasterous.
My choice would differ in a 1-off game vs a many round game