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Nonlinear and community norms


Responses: 2497
Respondents: 212

Statements with the highest number of 👍 or the highest number of 👎 appear at the top (if everyone thinks 👎, that's consensus too)

I hope Alice and Chloe are okay
👍 86%👎 1%🤷 13%
EA orgs should always, or almost always, have written contracts with their employees
👍 80%👎 4%🤷 15%
The events in Ben's post are sad to read about
👍 79%👎 5%🤷 16%
I don't want things like ben describes to happen to me or my friends, especially people I invite to this community
👍 78%👎 3%🤷 19%
EA orgs should, on the margin, be more suspicious of living with or dating coworkers
👍 70%👎 11%🤷 18%
I have been directly/indirectly wronged by Kat or Emerson
👍 5%👎 66%🤷 29%
I am worried about an article like this happening to me even though I am trying hard to do good
👍 23%👎 59%🤷 18%
EA orgs should, on the margin, conform a bit more more to "standard" workplace norms
👍 59%👎 22%🤷 20%
EA has a weakness towards weird behavior
👍 57%👎 10%🤷 33%
I had already heard bad things about Nonlinear before this post came out
👍 54%👎 34%🤷 12%
It is bad that we so quickly commented so much on this
👍 26%👎 50%🤷 23%
I am sad/frustrated about this personally
👍 47%👎 25%🤷 28%
I agree with not allowing non-linear more time to gather evidence before posting
👍 42%👎 22%🤷 36%
I hope there can be a way for Nonlinear to carry on doing EA work with the trust of the community
👍 23%👎 37%🤷 40%
Behaviour like that in Ben's account should lead to people being banned from the community regardless of any other achievements
👍 37%👎 18%🤷 46%
I like Kat or Emerson personally
👍 14%👎 34%🤷 52%
I think it's good to post exclusively bad things you've found about an organisation without mentioning anything neutral or good you've found out about them while investigating
👍 27%👎 33%🤷 40%
I am pretty exhausted
👍 30%👎 33%🤷 37%
I have previously felt some sort of 'ick' or left with a bad taste in my mouth after interacting with/collaborating with Kat or Emerson and hoped it wasn't an indicator of something else. For that reason I find the post unsurprising and am glad Ben worked on it.
👍 22%👎 31%🤷 48%
It is acceptable for an EA org to break minor laws (not implying Nonlinear did)
👍 24%👎 22%🤷 54%
👍 9%👎 18%🤷 73%
Not significantly
👍 0%👎 17%🤷 83%
👍 0%👎 6%🤷 94%