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Prediction Market Manager


Responses: 45
Respondents: 12

Statements with the highest number of 👍 or the highest number of 👎 appear at the top (if everyone thinks 👎, that's consensus too)

I need someone who can manage the liquidity
👍 100%👎 0%🤷 0%
I need someone who is in charge of the question creation process
👍 80%👎 0%🤷 20%
This call was useful for me
👍 60%👎 0%🤷 40%
I think we can find someone who can write markets
👍 50%👎 25%🤷 25%
I need questions written in 24 hours
👍 44%👎 11%🤷 44%
I think we can find someone who can manage the vision of the process
👍 40%👎 40%🤷 20%
I wish market creation took up less of my time
👍 13%👎 25%🤷 63%