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Vegan questions


Responses: 708
Respondents: 66

Statements with the highest number of 👍 or the highest number of 👎 appear at the top (if everyone thinks 👎, that's consensus too)

Some animals are conscious
👍 92%👎 2%🤷 6%
I would like to live in world where no animals suffer to create our food
👍 92%👎 4%🤷 4%
Animals are worthy or our moral concern
👍 92%👎 2%🤷 6%
I like the taste of meat and dairy products
👍 83%👎 6%🤷 12%
Chicken suffering feels meaningful to me on some kind of non-intellectual level
👍 80%👎 8%🤷 13%
It is convenient for me to eat meat and dairy products
👍 73%👎 11%🤷 16%
I eat meat but offset
👍 6%👎 73%🤷 21%
I am vegan
👍 29%👎 61%🤷 10%
I eat meat and do not offset
👍 33%👎 52%🤷 14%
Veganism is healthier than omnivorism in expectation (for people who don't know themselves to be in special circumstances regarding this due to a health issue).
👍 27%👎 50%🤷 23%
If I were a chicken, I would be okay with someone offsetting eggs and chicken, rather than refusing to consume them
👍 15%👎 47%🤷 38%
If I were a slave, I would be okay with someone offsetting goods from slavery, rather than refusing to consume them
👍 17%👎 46%🤷 37%
I am a vegetarian
👍 46%👎 44%🤷 10%
Many farm animals have net positive lives
👍 29%👎 45%🤷 26%
As long as we offset, it's likely that the harms we offset will continue
👍 43%👎 17%🤷 39%
I have confidence that animal welfare offsets really reduce animal harms a lot
👍 16%👎 42%🤷 42%
Omnivorism is healthier than veganism for most people (who don't know themselves to be in special circumstances regarding this).
👍 38%👎 33%🤷 29%
It is better to have some farm animals than none at all
👍 30%👎 35%🤷 35%